Holiday Segar Rumus
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The document discusses fluid requirements and balance for children of different weights. For children under 10kg, the fluid requirement is 100cc per kg of body weight per day. For those under 20kg, it is 1000cc plus 50cc for each kg over 10kg. For children under 30kg, it is 1500cc plus 20cc for each kg over 20kg. Fluid balance is calculated as intake from drinking, infusions and food, minus output from insensible weight loss, urine and ongoing losses like feces and vomiting. Insensible weight loss is calculated at 50cc per kg for infants under 1, 40cc for ages 1 to 3, 30cc for ages 3 to 5, and 20cc for over age
The document discusses fluid requirements and balance for children of different weights. For children under 10kg, the fluid requirement is 100cc per kg of body weight per day. For those under 20kg, it is 1000cc plus 50cc for each kg over 10kg. For children under 30kg, it is 1500cc plus 20cc for each kg over 20kg. Fluid balance is calculated as intake from drinking, infusions and food, minus output from insensible weight loss, urine and ongoing losses like feces and vomiting. Insensible weight loss is calculated at 50cc per kg for infants under 1, 40cc for ages 1 to 3, 30cc for ages 3 to 5, and 20cc for over age
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Holiday Segar Anak - Penelusuran Google
Holiday Segar Anak - Penelusuran Google